
WholeSky is a collaborative community dedicated to experiential programs and actions in service of a compassionate, healing and regenerative human presence on Earth.

This will be a journey of discovery and experimentation in new ways of caring for each other and Mother Earth. Some questions to guide us along this path are: 

  • How can we tap into the deep sources of our individual and collective power, love and wisdom, and bring them together in service of a more compassionate, peaceful and joyful world?
  • How can we nurture a human relationship of responsible stewardship of Mother Earth? A relationship which supports thriving and diverse ecosystems, healthy soils, clean air, clean water and healthy communities?
  • How can we foster a ‘custodian ethic’ in relationship to land and all creation? Informed by indigenous wisdom and knowledge with contemporary application, what new possibilities might emerge with a belief that ‘we belong to the land’ rather than ‘the land belongs to us’?

Read more: A Universal Spirituality of Compassion and Kindness