“Reciprocity–returning the gift–is not just good manners; it is how the biophysical world works.”
– Robin Wall Kimmerer –
Growing healthy, local food together is a powerful way to support the flourishing of resilient, abundant and happy local communities. Since food is a basic human need, it invites us to think about how we care for our health, our local economy, our relationship with Mother Earth and our relationship with each other.
Inspired by a belief that healthy, nutrient-dense food should be available to all, the ‘Gifting Gardens Communities’ is a ‘not for profit’ community gardening initiative at the heart of WholeSky expressions.
Gifting Gardens Communities is informed by the values and vision of WholeSky. This initiative aspires to improve equality of access to food, to share knowledge and skills pertaining to caring for soils and growing food, and to support the growth of connected and compassionate local communities.
The aspirations of this project are to:
- Practise ecological regeneration and land restoration to cultivate a thriving food-web ecosystem;
- With a foundation of spiritual inquiry, self-awareness and contemplative practice, harness the power of compassionate service and volunteer energy to make healthy food available to the local community, particularly those most at risk of food insecurity;
- Practice and teach regenerative farming and other land care methods that nourish Mother Earth;
- Support community skill sharing, activism, education and actions dedicated to healing the human-earth relationship;
- Through collaborative, experiential based learning, explore the four dimensions/pillars of regenerative holistic actions: social, ecological, worldview/spiritual and economic.
In the initial phase, this project will put down roots at four private land holdings across North West Tasmania: a farm of 73 acres mixed bush and pasture in the rural location of North Motton; a 5 acre cleared block close to the city of Burnie; a unique 5 acre bush block with creek and striking granite boulders near the centre of Launceston; a 25 acre remnant forest and 5 acres cleared area with gardening and ‘re-wilding’ possibilities in the off-grid, remote and closely connected community of Lorinna.
Powered by a ‘radical generosity’ and ‘compassionate service’ ethos, the intention is to develop small-scale, abundant and ecologically regenerative food systems that honour all Life and nourish connected, healthy and happy local communities. As a ‘not for profit’ project, surplus produce will be made available to those most at risk of food insecurity.
The Gifting Gardens project will develop simple and easily replicable land sharing agreements, decision making and communication frameworks and tools readily adaptable to local contexts and specific needs. WholeSky dreams that with time, love and an openness to creatively play and experiment, a web of similarly focused cooperative food growing ‘nests’ may emerge.
Next Steps along the Path:
We are seeking passionate and committed folk who are inspired to become the founding mentors and facilitators of the Gifting Gardens Communities. They will become the ‘Seed Members’ at each of the four locations.
If you feel excited by this vision and would like to find out more, then please refer to the ‘WholeSky Seed Members’ page, and get in touch via the Contact page.